The first installment of the Sports Motion Series, Sportsmotion 'Track And Field 01',
is now available.
This motion pack allows you to recreate four track and field events:
'sprint', 'Long(and_middle)-distance running', 'hurdles', and 'relay'.
You can immediately check each motion using the sample model and motion viewer.
is now available.
This motion pack allows you to recreate four track and field events:
'sprint', 'Long(and_middle)-distance running', 'hurdles', and 'relay'.
You can immediately check each motion using the sample model and motion viewer.
- 3D Sample model
・Character model
・Athletic field model
・Starting block model
・Hurdle model
・Baton model
- humanoid rig
- 68 Motions + TPose
・T_pose・Generic_Idling_loop_Stretch × 4kinds
・Sprint_StartIn_oneshot_Crouching × 2kinds
・Generic_Run_loop_Sprint × 2kinds
・Generic_Finish_oneshot_Sprint × 2kinds
・Generic_DNF_oneshot × 2kinds
・Relay_StartIn_oneshot_Crouching × 2kinds
・Relay_Run_loop × 4kinds
・Relay_BatonPassIn_oneshot × 2kinds
・Relay_BatonPass_loop × 2kinds
・Relay_BatonPassOut_oneshot × 2kinds
・Relay_BatonReceive_loop × 2kinds
・Relay_BatonReceiveIn_oneshot_Dash × 2kinds
・Relay_BatonReceiveSuccess_loop × 2kinds
・Relay_BatonReceiveFailure_loop × 2kinds
・Relay_Finish_oneshot × 2kinds
・LongDistance_StartIn_oneshot_Standing × 2kinds
・LongDistance_Start_loop_Standing × 2kinds
・LongDistance_Start_oneshot_Dash × 2kinds
・LongDistance_Run_loop × 2kinds
・LongDistance_Finish_oneshot × 2kinds
・Hurdles_JumpFailure_oneshot × 2kinds
and more
3D SampleModel

Promotional Video
Character Viewer
We recommend checking on a PC.
It does not correspond to the mobile browser.
It's take a while to loading, so please wait for the character to appear.
It does not correspond to the mobile browser.
It's take a while to loading, so please wait for the character to appear.
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