The first installment of the Sports Motion Series, Sportsmotion 'Track And Field 01',
is now available.
This motion pack allows you to recreate four track and field events:
'sprint', 'Long(and_middle)-distance running', 'hurdles', and 'relay'.
You can immediately check each motion using the sample model and motion viewer.
- 3D Sample model

・Character model
・Athletic field model
・Starting block model
・Hurdle model
・Baton model

- humanoid rig

- 68 Motions + TPose
・Generic_Idling_loop_Stretch × 4kinds
・Sprint_StartIn_oneshot_Crouching × 2kinds
・Generic_Run_loop_Sprint × 2kinds
・Generic_Finish_oneshot_Sprint × 2kinds
・Generic_DNF_oneshot × 2kinds
・Relay_StartIn_oneshot_Crouching × 2kinds
・Relay_Run_loop × 4kinds
・Relay_BatonPassIn_oneshot × 2kinds
・Relay_BatonPass_loop × 2kinds
・Relay_BatonPassOut_oneshot × 2kinds
・Relay_BatonReceive_loop × 2kinds
・Relay_BatonReceiveIn_oneshot_Dash × 2kinds
・Relay_BatonReceiveSuccess_loop × 2kinds
・Relay_BatonReceiveFailure_loop × 2kinds
・Relay_Finish_oneshot × 2kinds
・LongDistance_StartIn_oneshot_Standing × 2kinds
・LongDistance_Start_loop_Standing × 2kinds
・LongDistance_Start_oneshot_Dash × 2kinds
・LongDistance_Run_loop × 2kinds
・LongDistance_Finish_oneshot × 2kinds
・Hurdles_JumpFailure_oneshot × 2kinds

and more
3D SampleModel
Promotional Video
Click the image to enlarge it.
Character Viewer
We recommend checking on a PC.
It does not correspond to the mobile browser.
It's take a while to loading, so please wait for the character to appear.